Centro di ricerche storiche Rovigno
Centar za povijesna istraživanja Rovinj
Središče za zgodovinska raziskovanja Rovinj

Centro di ricerche storiche Rovigno
Centar za povijesna istraživanja Rovinj
Središče za zgodovinska raziskovanja Rovinj

Historical research center


The Centre for Historical Research is an institution of the Italian National Community that lives and operates in the territory of Istria, Rijeka and Dalmatia, on whose behalf it exercises the right of historical research.

50 years
of existence

In November 1968, the Italian Union for Istria and Rijeka, present-day Italian Union, put forward a proposal to establish a centre for historical studies of the Italian national community in Yugoslavia. It is an organization of Italians from the Republic of Croatia and Slovenia aimed at preserving and developing the national, cultural and linguistic identity of the Italians living in the said territories.

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In April 1969 the first editorial series were promoted with the magazines Quaderni and Atti and the foundations were laid for the start of collaboration, in the editorial and historiographical field, with the Università Popolare di Trieste. To this end, in November 1969 the representatives of the CRS and UPT established the future activity programs of the two bodies. In December 1969, Prof. was appointed as the first director of the institute. Giovanni Radossi.

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